What is Natural Running?

Natural Running is a simple description of the combination of simple body movements that we as humans evolved to perform while moving at speed. Simply put, it's how we were made to run and a description of its parts.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Athens, Greece 2010

That's right, headed to Greece to run the Athens Classic Marathon on October 31, 2010. This race marks the 2,500th anniversary of the Battle of Marathon where the legend of Phidipedes, and his run from Marathon(and who knows where else), first began! Stay tuned, I'm hoping to get over this cold so I can continue training and shoot for a sub 2:40 finish and personal best, we'll see what the Gods will allow...

1 comment:

Blue Benadum said...

My finish time was 2:43. Considering the difficulty of the course, which I had not fully anticipated, I am very happy with my time and consider it my best race to date, though not a personal best on the clock. :)